Saturday, July 23, 2016

Logistics. Results. TFHD on the Hunt!

In the spring of 2012, I explained my views on hunting to fellow Totally Huge Fucking Dude Raul Kennedy... I live in the suburbs--a place where hunting (in the traditional sense of the word) is no longer feasible nor needed so along with Raul, we re-defined hunting as we set out to find a chili parlour in a particular suburb that I was unfamiliar with.

I drove, hunting for a place where we could eat chili, Raul was familiar with the neighborhood (but I was not). I wouldn't let him tell me where to find a Gold Star or Skyline location... Instead, armed with a soundtrack of Ikara Colt aboard a 2001 Chevy Cavalier we journeyed. We tracked. We ventured.

Eventually we found a Gold Star Chili where we dined after trading pulls of whiskey from a bottle while Raul read excerpts from The Wall Street Journal aloud. We were two Totally Fucking Huge Dudes then... As we are now. Still. Several personal-apocalypses later.

Below are screen captures of Raul, from Firebase 101 located high upon Mt. Tufff near Fat City 'doing the leg-work' to coordinate a redistribution of Kroger's Brand Grape Powder Drink Mix to 'even out the stock'... A Totally Fucking Huge Dude still on the hunt with Chubby Checker blaring in the background fighting the fights worth fighting.

"TFHD On The Hunt" soundtrack/playlist featuring Chubby Checker, Ikara Colt with The Animals and a Rolling Stone cut.