Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Socials Discover they are #9 in Some sort of Chart They Didnt know existed.

Josh FossettJosh Fossett: EASY NOW!! I checked ReverbNation today because we got a message that we broke into the top 10 for Punk/Local, and lo and behold there's The [freaking] Socials one notch above us in #9!!! WTF?!!! I bet you bribed the judges with promises of lemonade and Twinkies... How ELSE could you have gained such a prestigious accolade as being ranked #9 on the Punk/local of ReverbNation? And we, AOAO a mere #10. I tell you sir it doth chaff my gentlemanly demeanor! As a form of silent protest and retribution I will hereby be forced to sport, IN OUR BAND'S PHOTOS, the rather handsome yellow Socials t-shirt I got from you when The Socials played The Comet for the recent release. I might even have to write some new lyrics telling everyone they need to pick up your 7" too. You like that Mr. #9 fancypants?! Well nyah!**

Here is my (Shawn Abnoxious) official response***
by Todd Uttley
The Socials at #9? There's a chart of such nonsense? Both of these facts are news to me... being ninth feels like being eighth which feels like being tenth... Which feels like being any other place. The Socials Reverbnation site was created because one could be created... I lost 'faith' in it when I went to post a third song on that profile so others could see that Andy Slobs 'capturing' of The Socials is the modern/local equivelent of The Germs GI LP that sounded surprizingly fantastic compared to the chaotic live outings most people seen. I 'attempted' to up load a live version of our set ending signature jam "Slave to the Low Wave" recorded at a Farmers market generator show the reeked havoc on my personal sound... Nothing worked right for me there but needless, the track turned out good... But I had reached some sort of capacity and was given the option of 'purchasing' more, which I refused to do... Or, now that i know theres a 'chart', would have surely pushed the Socials down in the charts far from any 'real' band... So, basically, its all Reverbnations fault. I would strongly advise that you get no pictures taken of you in The Socials shirts... Not if you got ambitions and/or plans. Maybe, if you are walking around Ludlow wearing flip-flops looking for an Abercrombie store (theres not one there dude)... if you need to be seen and visible to traffic, then BUT be forewarned, there has been cases of 'fans' wearing these shirts and being mistaken as road workers and instantly given 'runner' task for construction crews. In closing... The Socials are sorry and yeild the 9th thru 14th positions but we will fight for that coveted 15th spot! 'You' (not you, but whoever else that wants 15th) may have an army but The Socials have a Juice by Jerry.... NOW GO GET ME A VENTI HOT COFFEE WITH CREME AND FIVE SPLENDAS KID

Please note: that live version of SLAVE was given to TomKat for the next SWEET PATCHES installment.

*NOTE: due to the rather emotionless nature of text, I am preempting this message with the following disclaimer: all of this is meant as a tongue-in-cheek joke. I actually like your band, so the tone is meant to be sarcastic/funny.

**(too much coffee, not enough to do at work- lolz

***Awesome Josh! This made me laugh...