Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sinking Ships Are (Still) Beautiful

By late February of this past year I could already see how devices like the NOOK COLOR that Julie had gotten me for Christmas were going to become a new social standard. I began working on conceptual ways that I could produce and distribute my own form of electronic book.

I had also received a PDF file of a collection of Short Stories by a good friend, John Burris that solidified my feelings about how reading methods were beginning a shift toward electronic forms.

I began taking my poems and putting them into documents that I would turn into PDF files... Slowly over the next month and a half I would tweak the idea and finally have a ready document for a small grouping of unreleased poems under the title of POSTURE...

Not wanting to saturate the market with too much of a good thing, I had began to immediately start work on what would become the 5th anniversary of my very first chapbook, SINKING SHIPS ARE BEAUTIFUL... I have been regularly writing and releasing poetry for five years! Soon enough, I had completed what would be the 5th Anniversary of SINNKING SHIPS, complete with a section of new poems and a forward by an advocate if my poems, Fuxter Schittly. Download it HERE

So now I had two e-books in the chute. POSTURE and the new edition of SINKING SHIPS. It was now the summer of 2011 and talk of a spoken word CD of my poems was beginning to take shape...

So I thought either POSTURE or the new SINKING SHIPS could be included as an on-disc bonus feature on the spoken word CD, with the other being a late year release.

Well, that didn’t work out as planned. As recording sessions for the CD were made and plans for the CD began to be worked out, it became apparent that neither of the releases would be released in the intended form of a bonus feature.

Also, by the latter part of 2011 I had written and released my first short story, THE LAST AMERICAN using the methods of electronic dissemination I intended for my future poetry books. THE LAST AMERICAN was doing well also with help from my introduction to facebook... So fastly, the end of the year was closing in and not only had I two full fleshed releases totally ready to roll, but a plethora of unreleased works and projects in the waiting room which included over 60 unreleased poems written in 2011 itself. Yeah, for whatever reason, I counted them.

Since SINKING SHIPS ARE BEAURIFUL was time sensitive more so than POSTURE, 
POSTURE was yet put onto the back-burner for a 2012 release. Now, as 2011 closes to an end, finally you get the 5th Anniversary Edition of SINKING SHIPS ARE BEAUTIFUL that has all the original poems from the 2006 release, as well as liner notes, a forward by Fuxter Schittly and a section of all new, unreleased poems... Like the distribution of THE LAST AMERICAN, The 5th Anniversary Edition of SINKING SHIPS ARE BEAUTIFUL is available for free download. Unlike THE LAST AMERICAN though, no print edition of the new SINKING SHIPS will be available... The release is too large for my print methods. It would not be suitable...

So I hope you enjoy the re-release of SINKING SHIPS ARE BEAUTIFUL. In total, I distributed over 200 copies of the original chapbook...