Thursday, September 4, 2014

Review Roctober [Campaign One]

Hello there... I may mean nothing to you but Thwart...! Blog has reached a milestone of sorts. This post is the 300th Poston Thwart! What better way to commemorate such a thing than to feature the first 'Campaign' for Thwart... The Review Rocktober Campaign!

During the fall of 2012, I reclaimed my timeless writings from the Blank Generation webzine site and decided to post the material in monthly installments on Thwart under the banner of Past-Blast.

Unfortunately, Past-Blast fluttered out due to pressing issues beyond my control and became stagnant. The remaining reviews and columns I penned for Blank Generation will now be cut apart from the huge Past Blast installment and worked into smallerencompasing campaigns.

ReviewRocktober is the first campaign for Thwart!

During Review Rocktober you, the reader, can read timeless reviews from

Generators, Rocket from The Tombs, New Wet Kojak, Mt. Tai, Burning Brides, Clinic,  Girlush Figure, Kent 3, Numbskull, Pink Holes, Uniform, Agitated, Crimson Sweet, New Creatures, Drones (Aus), Kill The Hippies, Rotten Apples, Thee Shams, Wipers, Donovan Stokes, Enon, Erase Erratta and French Kicks.