Friday August 1st catch the 12" release show Gazer with The Frankl Project and Knife The Symphony at Mayday (21+FREE)
Big secret coming up… You know what I do the first time I get a record like SHANKS Surfing the Lexicon? I ignore all press releases and even packaging and go strait for the music. I don’t even look at what side the record is going on… Getting the music in my ears is priority number one. Release artwork and whatever else is secondary… to later be ingested while you listen. The thing is, I couldn’t ignore as much of Shanks as it seemed to jump out at me from regular Internet surfing. Apparently, this band has been around for years! Surfing is their eighth full-length! This record could be an alternate universe Wussy mixed with Queens of The Stone Age. Shanks songs are sensible, catchy and sing-a-long… Surfing The Lexicon is one of those albums that just play nicely and fits into your day without effort. Eight albums deep in their career now, I’m just still amazed how, after all of my music buying and listening, taking up whole sections of where I live, I’m still being turned onto great bands like this… Plus, they have a thing for tentacles! The album art is smashingly awesome and eerie at the same time. Despite how it seems, the ‘Thwart Submarine’ design was done without knowledge of this Surfing The Lexicon cover art! Now that’s syzygy!