Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Agglomeration of Outliers Outsweepings Volume One


Agglomeration of Outliers Outsweepings is a collection of belles-lettres writings from various source, types and authors. Song lyrics, poetry, prose, e-mails, short-fiction, fictional tales... There's no rules or standards, just words to read. Featuring writings from Francis Pospisil, Pat Pending, The HouseWolf, Billy Sheppard, John Burris, Shawn Abnoxious, Randy Bell, Polly Watson, Tim Combs, Fred Tarr, Andy Breighton, Juice By Jerry, Taylor Morgan, Peter Graves Roberts
Randy America, Brian Mosher and Raul Kennedy.

Agglomeration of Outliers Outsweepings-Volume One is available for absolutely FREE as a pdf download

Here: http://db.tt/Mb54MXNj (Go ahead and download it now)

Or Send and e-mail to ShawnAbnoxious[at]aol.com (with Send AOO#1 in subject line) to get a copy.

Share openly with any interested parties... Volume 2 is already in the works. Get in touch today.

