The Josh Ritter responsible for the novel BRIGHT'S PASSAGE is the same Josh Ritter (no relation to The Three's Company guy) that has also released some great musical releases including ANIMAL YEARS and HISTORICAL CONQUEST OF JOSH RITTER (the two I own and share familiarity with). If it hadn't been for mein bruddy, T-Wray I still may not know who Josh Ritter was. T-Wray turned me onto his copy of ANIMAL YEARS that I went out almost immediately and got a copy for myself mostly just so I could read through the CD lyric book in leisure.
So when I learned Josh Ritter wrote a book, I figured it to be a must-have. If I could enjoy a CDs lyric book, then a novel was a sure bet. I downloaded a sample first... It read well and did what a sample should do, make me want to know what happens next, so mission acomplished concerning that much...
I'm not sure exactly what direction the book will ultimately go (of course, because I have yet to read it and BOOKPILE isn't necessarily about the book, but the ENERGY that goes into the acquiring of a book. Duh!) but BRIGHTS PASSAGE set in the 1920's post WWI) and in just the free sample there was a childbirth, an act of arson, an argument with a guardian angel and a eerie talking horse! Rest assured, this horse ain't no Talking Ed talking horse either!
Also, in that footage or whatever it was where I heard about this book being humorous, Ritter also said that this book [Brights Passage] is the first one he is 'letting' others see. So I suppose this is just the beginning for him... Beginnings are good, its where stuff starts. Get on board why dont'cha...